

229 Results

III Scientific-Technical Conference on Remote Sensing and Precision Agriculture


In the last two decades, and thanks to the availability of new geospatial and information technologies, there have been many advances in agriculture to make a precision management of farms a reality, optimizing the use of various inputs ( fertilizers, plant protection products, water). Remote sensing is presented as a useful tool that provides spatial and temporal information about our farms, which can be used to carry out more efficient management. However, it is important to be aware of its limitations and at the same time of many uncertainties that we can currently find in the adaptation of these technologies in the agricultural sector.

In this 3rd edition of the conference we wanted to focus on showing the latest scientific and technical advances in the use of remote sensing in agriculture. It will address issues related to the characterization of fruit plantations, crop fertilization, the detection of weeds and symptoms caused by some of the most serious diseases that threaten almond trees, such as Xylella fastidiosa .

In addition, the most innovative advances in the use of satellite and aerial images to determine the water consumption of crops and based on them to be able to identify the most tolerant varieties to water scarcity will be presented.

Icona de Validada per la comunitat

Diversification of the cultivation of edible mushrooms with new native species


Catalonia is a land with a strong presence and mycological tradition, both from a gastronomic and recreational point of view, and has a great diversity of fungal species. In recent years, the consumption of mushrooms has not stopped increasing, both in Catalonia and in Europe as a whole, and their nutritional properties have turned them into functional foods. To meet this growing demand, and at the same time avoid excessive pressure on the natural populations of our ecosystems, mushroom cultivation is offered as an excellent alternative. Currently, however, most of the cultivation of wood or lignocellular mushrooms focuses on a few species that come, for the most part, from the Asian tradition.
An Operational Group has been set up to carry out an innovative pilot project funded by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Association for Innovation (AEI) in the field of productivity. and agricultural sustainability. The main objective of the pilot project is to incorporate new species of woody fungi, native to Catalonia, to diversify the cultivation and commercial production of edible mushrooms.
Project funded through Operation 16.01.01 (cooperation for innovation) of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020.


XIX International Course in Meat Products Technology

08/11/2021 - 26/11/2021

FULL COURSE. In case you want us to inform you if there is a vacancy or would like to receive information about our future training in Meat Products Technology, we would appreciate it if you would complete the registration form.

The IRTA International Course in Meat Product Technology is a consolidated course in the sector, focused on the modernization and industrialization of the meat industry.

The course offers a comprehensive review of all aspects related to technology and quality of meat and meat products: obtaining raw materials, processing, packaging, processing technologies and industrial trends.

On this website you can register for the courses by clicking on the "I want to register" section.

For more information about the course you can go to


Joint day GO call 2019. Hortivalor, Clascuit and Xerigot


Task Forces (GOs) are groupings of companies with the common goal of solving a specific sectoral and / or territorial problem or taking advantage of a specific opportunity. The projects carried out within an Operational Group must be innovative and have the territory of Catalonia as their territorial scope of application.

In this day will do the presentation of 3 Operative Groups that are in course at present: “Valorisation of horticultural surpluses with the production of juices and creams with high functional value”, “Classification of the technological quality of the fresh ham to improve the manufacturing and the quality of cooked ham ”and“ Xerigot, from waste to food supplement ”.


Farm emission control to reduce environmental impact and improve animal welfare


Project Life Mega

Reducing the environmental impact of intensive production systems such as pigs can be clearly framed among the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Improving animal welfare has also been a growing demand on the part of society. The LIFE MEGA Project [LIFE18 ENV / IT / 000200] works to improve the environmental quality inside pig farms, so that the reduction in the concentration of indoor gases and those that are emitted on the outside, it is reduced. The direct effects of this reduction would be felt not only in the environmental impact, but also in well-being, in parameters such as respiratory or stress that can lead to behaviors such as caudophagy. In this day will make an initial presentation on the best available techniques (BAT) in the pig sector and will present the project LIFE MEGA and some of his preliminary results.


Training course on Quality Welfare protocols for pigs on the farm

28/09/2021 - 01/10/2021

(seas and piglets)

The training of qualified auditors in animal welfare inspection according to Welfare Quality protocols is an indispensable requirement to ensure the quality of certification.

IRTA regularly organizes training and qualification courses for auditors in collaboration with the different experts of the Welfare Quality Network.


Innovations in the dairy sector


Agri-food companies, and in particular the dairy sector, are looking for ways to develop new products with the highest quality, attractive to the consumer and applying the sustainability criteria to the maximum. In such a changing world, the awareness of caring for the Earth is more present day after day.
This day will be the presentation of the activities carried out within the Operational Group (GO) EMBOCHEESE, in the development and improvement of new cheeses, the importance of the control of ripening chambers and the control of product quality with NIR technology. The day continues with the presentation of the GO RUMPRINT, project that begins to walk, where it works in the calculation of the environmental footprint in this case focused in the dairy sector.
This transfer activity is funded within the framework of the project: "EMBOCHEESE: Development of a new concept of sausage cheese and optimization of the maturation process" within the framework of the 2018 call for the realization of innovative pilot projects by the Operational Groups of the 'European Association for Innovation (AEI) in the field of productivity and sustainability of aid to encourage applied research in the field of organic agri-food production.


Red spider control in clementines with mineral oils


Can the red spider, Tetranychus urticae, be controlled on clementines with mineral oils?

In Terres de l’Ebre, around 7,000 ha of clementines are grown, mostly Clementina de Nules. This variety is especially sensitive to the attack of the red spider, Tetranychus urticae, being the pest that requires a greater number of treatments for its control. Between 2 and 4 treatments with synthetic acaricides are usually carried out during the summer.

The aim of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a strategy that combines the application of mineral oils and the management of vegetation.

This day is part of the demonstration activity "Sustainable management of Tetranychus urticae in clementines through biological control by conservation and the application of mineral oils", operation 01.02.01 of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020.




In this day will put special emphasis in novelties and innovations that there is in the market and that can be an opportunity for the sector. Some of the information presented has been obtained in the framework of the following actions or projects:

  • Promotion of mechanical weeding in winter cereals.
  • Drought mitigation strategies in wheat flour. (Operation 01.02.01 of Technological Transfer of the PDR of Catalonia 2014-2020).
  • Promotion of the production of barley, maize, userda and oilseeds in organic production for animal feed.
  • Precision agriculture to improve the production and quality of winter cereals and their sustainability. (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020).
  • PECT Motors for the Segarra-Garrigues.
  • Plans for the improvement of agricultural fertilization.

Mas Badia Summer Fruit Day

10/08/2021 - 11/08/2021

REGISTRATIONS CLOSED. For more information contact

The Summer Day at IRTA Mas Badia is an annual edition and we can be happy that at the moment, not a pandemic has deprived us of sharing results and bringing innovations to the apple fruit sector.

The day will be developed in a tour of different field stations and the focus is on moving towards sustainable fruit growing. We hope the program is of interest to you.

This day is part of the demonstration activities “DEMO CLONS GALA”, “DEMO PORTAEMPELTS DE POMERA” and “CONTROL SOSTENIBLE DE TALPONS” financed by the Operation 01.02.01 of Technological Transfer of the Program of rural development of Catalonia 2014-2020. It is also part of the Operational Group "Pom-Zero" and the ECOHERBATGE project to encourage applied research in organic production. Finally, also the dissemination of the PECT project "Girona, a region sensitive to water".

The day has 4 sessions, sign up for the available session.


IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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