Sobre l'activitat

In this day will put special emphasis in novelties and innovations that there is in the market and that can be an opportunity for the sector. Some of the information presented has been obtained in the framework of the following actions or projects:

  • Promotion of mechanical weeding in winter cereals.
  • Drought mitigation strategies in wheat flour. (Operation 01.02.01 of Technological Transfer of the PDR of Catalonia 2014-2020).
  • Promotion of the production of barley, maize, userda and oilseeds in organic production for animal feed.
  • Precision agriculture to improve the production and quality of winter cereals and their sustainability. (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for Innovation of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020).
  • PECT Motors for the Segarra-Garrigues.
  • Plans for the improvement of agricultural fertilization.
Preu: Free
14/09/2021 - 14/09/2021
10:00h - 13:10h
limited seats


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Josep Anton Betbesé

Josep Anton Betbesé is an Agricultural Technical Engineer specializing in Agricultural Holdings from the University of Lleida. He joined IRTA first with several University-Company Agreements in 1992 and 1994. Since 1995 he has been working in the IRTA Extensive Crops Program in Lleida as a Technical Support Staff. Directly involved in the technical management of the entire experimental device of the Program, he has collaborated in research projects, contracts, publications, conferences and various activities related to extensive crops.


10.00 h Welcome and presentation of the day Mr. Josep Usall, Director General of IRTA.
10.15 am BLOCK 1. Crop protection and climate change • Contribution of plant material to sustainability • Drought mitigation strategies in wheat flour • Precision mechanical weeding • Impact of mixtures of plant protection products on pollinators
11.00 h BLOCK 2. Fertilization management • Plan fertilization, a new requirement for sustainability • How to establish areas with needs for homogeneous fertilization • Variable fertilizer application equipment, present and future • How to efficiently use the nutrients from manure derivatives
11.45 h Break
11.50 am BLOCK 3. Improving biodiversity • Auxiliary fauna • Floral bands • Biodiversity in the soil
12.35 pm BLOCK 4. Organic farming • Suitability of organic winter cereal varieties • Association of wheat with legumes • Problems associated with organic rapeseed
13.10 Closing of the day
The presentations will be given by Ms. Rosa Bisa, ADV Valls del Corb; Mrs. Ingrid Pou, Coop. Agrícola Castelló d’Empúries; Sr. Manel Cunill, Coop. Agrària del Vallès; Sr. Ruben Masnou, AGROCAT; Sr. Jordi Bosch, CREAF; Sr. Josep Mª Llenes, Sr. Àlex Estadella, Mrs. Núria Canut and Sr. Jordi Tugues, DACC; Mrs. Roser Sayeras, Mrs. Marta da Silva, Sr. Joan Serra, Sr. Francesc Domingo, Sra. Elena González, Mrs. Judit Vallverdú, Sr. Joan Fañé, Sr. Francesc Prenafeta, Sr. Jordi Doltra and Sr. Josep Anton Betbesé, IRTA; Sr. Luis Miranda, Syngenta; Sr. Xavier Pons and Sr. Josep Mª Montull, UDL.





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