XX International course on meat products technology

Sobre l'activitat

The IRTA International Course on Meat Products Technology is a consolidated course in the sector, focused on the modernization and industrialization of the meat industry.

The course offers an exhaustive review of all aspects related to the technology and quality of meat and meat products: obtaining the raw material, processing, packaging, processing technologies and industrial trends.

On this web page you can register for the courses by clicking on the "I want to register" section.

Dates: From 11/07/22 to 11/25/22
• Module 1: Technology and quality of meat and fresh meat derivatives. From 07/11/22 to 11/11/22
• Module 2: Technology of raw-cured and salted sausages. From 11/14/22 to 11/18/22
• Module 3: Technology of cooked meat products. From 11/21/22 to 11/25/22

Prices without VAT
Partially subsidized course by the FUNDAE.
The prices include lunches on school days and daily transport from Girona to the IRTA of Monells for those who previously request it.

Way to pay:
Payments will be made by bank transfer to the current account that will be provided at the time of registration confirmation.

For registration cancellations after 10/07/2022, a cancellation fee of 50% of the registration value will be charged. The organization reserves the right to cancel the course at any time prior to 11/07/2022. In case of cancellation of the course, the organization will return the registration fee.

Preu:  According to module
07/11/2022 - 25/11/2022
8:30h - 18:00h
limited seats


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Grau Matas

Degree in Food Technology and Management. Since 2010, it has been part of the Food Quality and Technology Program of the IRTA (Institute for Agricultural Research and Technology). Its functions are framed in research projects, contracts, training and technical advice to companies in matters related to the improvement and development of products from alternative protein sources, in process technologies (specialized in extrusion and dry fractionation) and in the development of meat products (fresh, cooked and cured). In the field of teaching, he has participated in courses and technical conferences for the transfer of knowledge to companies in the food industry. He is part of the IRTA panel of tasters trained for the evaluation and/or sensory characterization of food products. He has carried out coordination tasks of the IRTA pilot plants (equipment, quality (RSIPAC/RGSEAA...) as well as the coordination tasks of the International Course in Meat Technology, the Course in Meat Analogue Technology and the International Course in Dry Cured Meat Products.


Dates: From 11/07/22 to 11/25/22
• Module 1: Technology and quality of canre and fresh meat derivatives. From 07/11/22 to 11/11/22
• Module 2: Technology of raw-cured and salted sausages. From 11/14/22 to 11/18/22
• Module 3: Technology of cooked meat products. From 11/21/22 to 11/25/22




Lloc de realització

Finca Camps y Armet Auditorio de Monells 17121 – Monells (Girona)
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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