Sobre l'activitat

Opportunities for the valorization of organic waste from olive oil production

Europe concentrates about 70% of the world production of olive oil. In total, 7.7 million hectares are accounted for in the Mediterranean basin. The olive grove sector, and especially that of olive oil, is a first-rate economic actor due to its ability to generate employment, being the economic maintenance of extensive areas of the Mediterranean basin and one of the sectors responsible for curbing rural depopulation.

El projecte SUSTAINOLIVE ( té com a objectiu millorar la sostenibilitat del sector de l'oli d'oliva a partir de la implementació i promoció d'un conjunt de solucions innovadores de gestió sostenible basades en conceptes agroecològics, així com en l'intercanvi de coneixement i la participació de múltiples actors i usuaris finals. L’IRTA participa en la caracterització d'olivars i almàsseres, així com en la recuperació de subproductes a partir dels residus del sector.

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10:00h - 13:15h
limited seats


10.00 h Registration of attendees 10.20 h Welcome to the day 10.30 h Description of the olive industry
  • Introduction to the Sustainolive project Mrs. Belén Fernández, Program Sustainability in IRTA biosystems.
  • Olive sector Mr. Agustí Romero and Mr. Juan F. Hermoso, Fruit Growing Program of the IRTA.
  • Energy production - biogas Mr. Albert Martínez, director of the La Galera Biomethanization Plant.

11.30 h Questions and comments
11.45 h New opportunity for valorization
  • New perspectives on gasification and biochemical conversion systems for the food industry Mr. Joan Carles Bruno, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rovira i Virgili University.
  • Phosphorus recovery from olive pomace Mrs. Marlene Mendoza, Sustainability in Biosystems Program of the IRTA.
  • Composting olive pomace Mrs. Belén Fernández, Program Sustainability in biosystems of the IRTA.

12.45 h Questions and comments
13.15 h End of the day



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IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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