Rice technical conference 2023

About the activity

The cultivation of rice is continuously subjected to environmental and socio-economic challenges where research, both basic and applied, plays a fundamental role in the continuous improvement of the sustainability of the crop in all three aspects.

During the course of the day, the latest technological advances will be presented, as well as new action proposals that should facilitate compliance with the European Green Pact.

This day will present part of the demonstration activities "Sustainable management of phosphorus in rice fields (GESFORICE)" and "Management of rice stubble to combat climate change", operation 01.02.01 (technology transfer) of PDR of Catalonia 2014-2022

15.09.2020 Foto Pere Virgili
Price: Free
09:00h -13:00h
limited seats


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Mª del Mar Català

Mª del Mar Català Forner, IRTA researcher and responsible for the rice activities carried out at the Ebro Experimental Station. She is a member of the rice sector board, has been appointed an expert in rice cultivation by the evaluation committee of the OEVV (Spanish Office of Plant Varieties) of MAGRAMA and is part of the advisory board of Ediciones LAV. He has developed tasks in plant health, improvement and management of the crop, with a clear agronomic aspect. He has participated in dozens of rice research projects in collaboration with other national and international research centers, both public and private. Responsible for transfer actions at both technical and sectoral levels through technical and field conferences, and has participated in national and international rice conferences as a guest speaker. Author of numerous technical publications in specialized journals and reviewer of public calls for projects.


9.00 a.m. Registration and registration of attendees
9.30 h Presentation of the day. Mr. Jesus Gomez Director of ST of the DACC in Terres de l'Ebre
10.00 a.m. Progress towards more sustainable fertilization. Mrs. Maria del Mar Catalan. IRTA
10.30 am The cultivation of rice, an ally to combat climate change. Mrs. Maite Martinez IRTA
11.00 a.m. Coffee break
11.30 h Biological control of warehouse pests. Mr. José Miguel Campos and Mrs. Maria Teresa Martinez. IRTA
11.45 h Shock plan for weed control. Mrs. Gemma Galimany DACC.
12.00 pm Biotechnology at the service of society. Mr. Josep M. Casacuberta and Mrs. Blanca San Segundo. CRAG.
12.30 pm Open question period
12.45 pm End of the day. Mr. Jesus Gomez Director of ST of the DACC in Terres de l'Ebre.
1:00 p.m. Tasting of dishes made with Nomen Calidad products

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Hall Actes d'Rossaires del Delta de l'Ebre S.C.C.L. Ctr. Camarles-Deltebre km. 6.5 43580 December
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
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