Optimization of the beef maturation system

Sobre l'activitat

Dry ripening offers a very good opportunity to gastronomically enhance beef.

The GO-MADURACIÓ operational group has made it possible to optimize the process for producing matured meat, proposing improvements in performance between the different participating companies.
The day aims to explain the protocols that have been defined in the project, from the initial selection of the animals to the control and completion of the maturation process.

The day will end with a tasting of dry ripened meat obtained following the protocols optimized in the operating group.

Preu: Free
10:00h - 14:00h
limited seats
Monistrol de Calders


9.00 am Registration and delivery of documentation
9.30 am Presentation of the day Sr. Jordi Martí, manager of MAFRICA.
9.40 am Ripening Operations Group. Project presentation Sr. Gerard Masferrer, R + D + i Department, MAFRICA.
10.00 am Valorisation of beef. An opportunity gastronomic Mrs. Núria Panella Riera, Quality and Technologies Program IRTA.
10.30 am Break
11.10 am Maturation method applied to Mafrica. Result of the operational group Sr. Carles Joan, R + D + i Department, MAFRICA.
11.20 am How does a meat tasting take place? Mrs. Núria Panella-Riera, Quality and Technologies Program IRTA.
11.30 am Tasting of matured meat obtained from the frame of the operating group
1 pm Closing of the day



Lloc de realització

La Masia del Solà Crta Sabadell A Prats Km 32,5, 08275 Monistrol de Calders, Barcelona.
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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