Environmental quantification of the agri-food sector: need for local databases

Sobre l'activitat

We have a clear growing demand for environmentally compliant products. Therefore, environmental quantification tools are becoming more and more popular. However, these quantifications are made using international databases, often showing promises or values ​​that do not match the local reality. That is why it is very necessary to have these local databases. From the DACC in collaboration with IRTA, the construction of this Catalan agri-food database has begun.

This day is organized in order to publicize this initiative and involve the sector in the preparation of this Database.

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Preu: Free
10:00h - 12:00h
limited seats
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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