Impulse for innovation. ISQ platform.

About the activity

This conference is mainly aimed at companies in the food sector interested in learning about the different innovations that are currently being carried out.

It will be presented how innovation is approached from IRTA and different success stories.

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Price: Free
09:00h - 12:45h
limited seats


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Brigitte Martínez

Course coordinator

Brigitte Martínez holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering (2001) from the University of Vic and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, a degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Girona (2005) and a Master's in Human Nutrition and Food Quality from the University of Balearic Islands (2010). Specialist in the application and improvement of discontinuous heat treatments on different food matrices, to increase their useful life and sensory quality. In addition, it works on the application of new conservation technologies (microwaves, high pressure and radio frequencies) to obtain new products or processes adapted to consumer demands. He has extensive experience in contractual research activities with companies in the food sector and in dissemination activities, participating in the conferences and courses on thermal processes that have been carried out at IRTA since 2012.


9:00h Welcome
9.05h How we approach Innovation from IRTA Mrs. Brigitte Martinez, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
9.25h Innovations and success stories. Part I
• Development of innovative juices and creams for the enhancement of the organic vegetable garden Mr. Albert Ribes, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
• Xerigot, from waste to food supplement Mrs. Brigitte Martinez, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
• Incorporation of microalgae in food Mr. Josep Comaposada, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
• Opportunities and strategies for innovation within the aquaculture and fishing sector Mr. Ricard Bou, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
10.45h Prayers and questions. Part I
11.00h Break
11.15h Innovations and success stories. Part II
• Innovation in the development of meat analogues Mr. Grau Matas, Food Quality and Technology program of the IRTA.
• Application of multi-frequency magnetic induction in the classification of fresh ham to improve the preparation process of cooked ham Mr. Xavier Serra, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program
• Non-invasive technologies to improve processing and precision labelling Mrs. Elena Fulladosa, Food Quality and Technology program of the IRTA.
• Proposal of a methodology to objectively classify meat derivatives through the analysis of NIR spectra before and after high pressure treatment Mr. Xavier Serra, IRTA Food Quality and Technology program.
12.15h Prayers and questions. Part II
12.30h End of the day

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IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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