Brigitte Martínez
Course coordinator
Brigitte Martínez holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering (2001) from the University of Vic and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, a degree in Food Science and Technology from the University of Girona (2005) and a Master's in Human Nutrition and Food Quality from the University of Balearic Islands (2010). Specialist in the application and improvement of discontinuous heat treatments on different food matrices, to increase their useful life and sensory quality. In addition, it works on the application of new conservation technologies (microwaves, high pressure and radio frequencies) to obtain new products or processes adapted to consumer demands. He has extensive experience in contractual research activities with companies in the food sector and in dissemination activities, participating in the conferences and courses on thermal processes that have been carried out at IRTA since 2012.
Albert Ribas-Agustí
Albert Ribas-Agustí has a degree in Biology (2003), Food Science and Technology (2007) and a PhD in Food Technology (2013) from the University of Girona. He has worked as a researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium), INRA (France) and the University of Lleida, and is currently a researcher at the IRTA Functionality and Food Safety Program in Monells (Girona), where he works in research activities. contract with companies in the food sector and in national and international projects. He has significant scientific experience on the effect of thermal and non-thermal treatments on the structure, quality and functional value of food, as well as on the recovery of animal and plant products and by-products for the extraction of bioactive compounds.
Xavier Serra Dalmau
Licentiate in Biochemistry, Master in Biotechnology and Doctor in Biochemistry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2001). He is currently a researcher for the Food Technology Program of l'IRTA a Monells, Girona. The seva research activity focuses mainly on the technological quality of meat (fresh pork) and meat products crus-curats and cuits (reduction of greix and salt content), així also on thawing and cooking per high freqüències ( microones and radiofreqüències) and the process for altes pressions d'aliments. He has participated in European and national projects and contractual research with companies in the sector. He is co-author of 29 scientific publications plus technical articles in popularization journals and book chapters. He has participated in many contributions to national and international congresses, and as a professor in various courses and national and international technical conferences for the transfer of connection to the food industry.
Josep Comaposada
Josep Comaposada holds a degree in agricultural engineering (1994) and a doctorate in industrial engineering (1999) from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He is a researcher and has been the director of IRTA’s subprogramme for new process technologies in the food industry (2009-2017). Since 2009 his main research topics have been related to the study of new process and control technologies. He has led the development of the IRTAsim application for drying simulation. He has participated in different European projects, holds 5 patents and is the co-author of 54 scientific publications. Since 2004 he has been a professor at the University of Girona and has supervised two thesis students.
Ricard Bou
Ricard Bou, Agricultural Technical Engineer for the
Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Degree in Science and Technology from the
Food from the University of Barcelona (UB). He obtained his doctorate by
the UB in 2005. He continued in the same institution as a researcher and
teacher until 2012 to join the Instituto de Ciencia y
Food Technology and Nutrition of the Superior Research Council
Scientific (ICTAN-CSIC) and, later, in 2015 a
the IRTA of Monells within the Food Technology program. Her
research activity is focused on the valorization of by - products of the
food chain and in obtaining compounds with nutritional functionality or
technological. Also, it works on the development of new products and
ingredients, and in the use of different technologies and processing strategies that
allow the improvement of the useful life, the nutritional value and the
sensory characteristics of food. He has participated in different
national and international contracts and projects, and has over sixty
scientific articles published in journals listed in the Science
Citation Index (SCI).
Elena Fulladosa
Elena Fulladosa Tomàs, graduated in Biology (1999) and PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Girona (2004). Researcher in the Food Technology Program of the Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology (IRTA) since 2007. The last years she has been working on the implementation of new technologies in the food industry for the optimization of the processes of development and characterization nutritional dels aliments. He has worked in various technologies such as computed tomography, basic equipment in RX, NIR spectrometry and microons and high hydrostatic pressures in meat products, pernil curat and other food.
During his research career he has participated in various European projects (Q-meat, Truefood, Q-porkchains, FoodSME-hop, Procured, Faim-cost) and competitive national ones (leading the Soltexham and Classham projects) as well as in contracts with companies in the sector agri-food. Highlight its participation in the development of an industrial computed tomography equipment that is currently being tested in the cured ham industry. He has published 43 scientific articles, 13 book chapters, has participated in more than 50 contributions in international conferences and has directed 2 doctoral theses. He has a patent related to the optimization of the cured ham production process using non-destructive technologies. Currently she is also an associate professor at the University of Girona where she teaches the subject "Culinary Technology and New Technologies" in the Degree in Food Safety and Innovation.
Grau Matas
Degree in Food Technology and Management. Since 2010, it has been part of the Food Quality and Technology Program of the IRTA (Institute for Agricultural Research and Technology). Its functions are framed in research projects, contracts, training and technical advice to companies in matters related to the improvement and development of products from alternative protein sources, in process technologies (specialized in extrusion and dry fractionation) and in the development of meat products (fresh, cooked and cured). In the field of teaching, he has participated in courses and technical conferences for the transfer of knowledge to companies in the food industry. He is part of the IRTA panel of tasters trained for the evaluation and/or sensory characterization of food products. He has carried out coordination tasks of the IRTA pilot plants (equipment, quality (RSIPAC/RGSEAA...) as well as the coordination tasks of the International Course in Meat Technology, the Course in Meat Analogue Technology and the International Course in Dry Cured Meat Products.