Environmental footprint of milk and beef in Catalonia

Sobre l'activitat

RUMPRINT Operational Group

The incorporation of environmental criteria in cattle farming and in general in the activities of the primary sector is booming. Climate change, European environmental policies, social pressure, which increasingly calls for greener products, are the main reasons why the livestock sector is becoming increasingly aware of environmental problems and the need to measure the environmental footprint of their products.

The Grup Operatiu RUMPRINT that enguany seva fi has canalitzat questa necessitat mitjançant the quantification of the environmental impact of the complete cycle of production, from farm fins to the distribution botigues, of the Cooperative of Ramaders of the Baix Empordà and of the meat of the Grup Viñas. On this day, the results of the project will be shared, the experience of the producers who have participated will be presented, and the expectations of the sector will be shared with regard to the quantification of environmental protection.

Preu: Free
10:00h - 11:45h
limited seats


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Assumpció Antón

Researcher at the Food and Agricultural Research Institute (IRTA). First, she conducted research as agronomist and the last 20 years conducting projects in the area of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and agriculture. She has been teaching LCA and supervising bachelors, masters, and doctoral thesis students in the field of LCA applied to the agricultural sector for 15 years. She was associated professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at University Rovira Virgili(2006-2016) and the Agrifood Engineering and Biotechnology Department at the University Polytechnical de Catalunya (2020-2022). She has been involved as expert in different international initiatives (UNEP-LCI, LEAP-FAO, PAS2020, ECOINVENT, EC-TAB-AWG). Assumpció’s area of expertise is the development and application of LCA methodology in agriculture. She focuses her research on the improvement of agricultural inventories and the development of Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods related to agricultural processes, i.e., carbon footprint, land use, water consumption, eutrophication and toxicity due to pesticides use. Final goal of her work is the improvement of agricultural systems from an environmental point of view.


10.00 h Welcome
10.10 h Calculation of the environmental footprint in the livestock sector in Catalonia. The case of milk and beef Mrs. Montse Núñez, researcher in the Sustainability in biosystems program at IRTA.
10.25 h The methodology used: the European Commission's Environmental Footprint method Mrs. Montse Núñez, researcher in the Sustainability in biosystems program at IRTA.
10.35 h The results: environmental sustainability in livestock farming. The environmental footprint of milk Mrs. Marta Ruiz, researcher in the Sustainability in Biosystems program at IRTA.
10.45 h The results: environmental sustainability in livestock farming. The environmental footprint of meat. Mrs. Marta Ruiz, researcher in the Sustainability in Biosystems program at IRTA.
10.55 h Break
11.05 h Round table Moderate Mrs. Assumption Antón, researcher in the Sustainability in Biosystems program at IRTA. Mr. Guillem Planell, Viñas Group. Mrs. Anna Targà, Ranchers of the Baix Empordà. Mr. Gabriel Marisca, Llet Nostra. Mrs. Marina Miralpeix, Nutrex. Mrs. Àngela Casanovas Gil, ASOPROVAC.
  11.35 h Open question period
11.45 h End of the day




Lloc de realització

Finca Camps i Armet Edificio A 17121 – Monells (Girona) Interested people who cannot travel can follow the day online. Indicate this at registration.
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08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
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