CYCLE OF TALKS "LET'S HAVE A DRINK WITH SCIENCE: New technologies and digitization in the agri-food sector

Sobre l'activitat

The digitization of agriculture is the ally to respond to the challenges of poverty, food supply and sustainability and the use of resources. However, the degree of ICT implementation in the sector is very low or slower than one might expect. In this session, we will discover how agriculture has transformed in the last thirty years, what is the degree of implementation of digital tools such as big data, blockchain, sensors or artificial intelligence, and what challenges . in the future we face to require the digital gap in this sector.



18.00 h Welcome and presentation Mrs. Conxita Villar, Dean of the Official College of Agronomists of Catalonia (Conducts and moderates the event: Àngels Codina, IRTA Head of Communications)
18.10 h Food production, climate change and digitization, three elements that must coexist together Joan Girona, PhD, IRTA Researcher in the Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture Program Institutional Delegate of IRTA in the Lands of Lleida and the Pyrenees.
18.20 h Where is precision agriculture headed? Fran Garcia, PhD, President of the Agriculture 4.0 commission of the COEAC
18.30 h Round table
19.00 h End of the talk



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Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cataluña Paseo de Gracia, 55, 6-6, 08007 Barcelona
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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