Types of compost produced in Catalonia and new guide to composting

Sobre l'activitat

International Compounding Week (ICAW)

Compost is an organic amendment that, if of sufficient quality, can be applied to the soil to improve it and promote plant growth. The correct management of waste and other fresh organic materials through composting makes it possible to take advantage of a resource that contributes to the improvement of soil structure and fertility, which in turn leads to savings in water and chemical fertilizers. In addition, by increasing soil organic carbon, the risk of erosion and desertification is reduced, contributing to climate change mitigation.

This day will explain the work done on the production situation of different composts in Catalonia and their commercialization. Then, the contents of the new Guide to on-farm composting of livestock manure promoted by the DACC will be presented.

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Preu: Free
11:00h - 12:20h
limited seats


11.00 h Welcome Mr. Isaac Peraire. Director of the Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC).
11.05 h Situation of compost in Catalonia: raw materials, production and commercialization. Ms. Meri Pous and Ms. Meritxell Aguilar. Department of Soil Protection of the Area of Circular Economy of the ARC.
11.30 h How to obtain a high quality fertilizer: Guide to on-farm composting of livestock manure. Mr. Juan Parera. Fertilization Office of the Soil and Environmental Management of Agricultural Production Service of the DACC. Ms. Rafi Cáceres. Sustainability in Biosystems Program of IRTA.
12.00 h Question and answer session
12.20 h End of the day



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