The how and why of the matured meat production process

Sobre l'activitat

The production of matured meat is a practice that is increasingly used in the butcher and restaurant sectors, which, carried out correctly, allows us to obtain safe meats of extraordinary sensory quality.
Currently IRTA is carrying out several projects related to the production of matured meat that allow us to advance our knowledge of the process and the final product. The conference will provide data from the latest studies carried out and will present the key aspects in the production of matured meat, both at a technical level, questioning the need for maturation, and from the point of view of food safety. The day will end with a very practical vision of a butcher with a long experience producing matured meat.

Preu: Free
16:00h - 19:15h
limited seats


16:00 h Presentation of the conference Mrs. Elena Carrasco, secretary of the Guild of Butchers, Butchers and Poultry of Barcelona and Regions.
16:15 h How can we produce matured meat? Important technical aspects to consider Ms. Núria Panella Riera, IRTA Food Technology and Quality Program.

17.00 h How to guarantee the food safety of matured meat? Ms. Anna Jofré, IRTA Food Safety and Functionality Program.
17:45 h Let's face it! Is it really necessary to mature? What pieces can we ripen? Does maturation help us to revalue meat from endangered breeds? Ms. Núria Panella Riera, IRTA Food Technology and Quality Program.
18:00 h Maturation of meats. Real value for the butcher, restaurateur and consumer, or just a fad? Mr. Alex Castany, director of Sanmartí 1850, specialist in national and international high-end meats, and specialists in meat maturation.
18.45 Open time for questions / questions /
19.15 h Closing of the day



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IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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