Sustainable agricultural production and help to calculate the environmental sustainability profile

Sobre l'activitat

We are in a time of change, where in addition to environmental concerns, there is also the need for agriculture and animal husbandry to be economically viable activities that take into account the good working conditions of the people who work there. A production model is needed that contemplates this triple sustainability: environmental, economic and social. It is for this reason that the Sustainable Agricultural Production (PAS) is presented, a production model that responds to the current and future needs of the Catalan agricultural sector.
The PAS is an opportunity for Catalonia, making available to the sector a self-improvement tool that will make it possible to know the current state of farm sustainability and apply solutions to improve results.
On the other hand, to help the transition towards this new model, the DACC has recently published an aid to calculate the environmental sustainability profile of farms, which is part of the Strategic Food Plan of Catalonia (PEAC).

Preu: Free
15.00h - 18,15h
limited seats


15.00 h Welcome and presentation of the day Mrs. Elisenda Guillaumes Director General of Agriculture and Livestock of the DACC.
15.10 h Sustainable Agricultural Production (PAS) Mrs. Elisenda Guillaumes Director General of Agriculture and Livestock of the DACC. Mr. Joan Bonany Institute of Agro-food Research and Technology.
16.10 h Open question period
16.40 h Break
17.15 h Help with the calculation of the environmental sustainability profile Mrs. Neus Ferrete, Deputy Director General of Agriculture of the DACC.
17.45 h Open question period
18.15 h End of the day




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Sala Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Gurb Mas l’Esperança, s/n 08503 Gurb
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
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