How to confront the reduced availability of water for irrigation in apple tree

Sobre l'activitat

The situation of the reservoirs in Catalonia shows the fragility of the water supply for different uses and, in particular, for water for food production. The situation, as of today and according to the available forecasts, makes us foresee that we are approaching the most relevant drought in the last seventy years.

Meanwhile, in the short term, it is necessary to adapt to the water shortage situation. This day will discuss, among other things, the maintenance of facilities, giroreg, canopy management or how thinning, pruning and controlled deficit irrigation can be tools to manage drought.

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Preu: Free
09:30h - 11:50h
limited seats
La Tallada d’Empordà


09:30 h Reception of attendees
09:45 h Presentation of the day Elisabet Sánchez Sala, Director of the Territorial Services of the Department of Climate Action and Rural Agenda (DACC).
Current situation of water reserves. Francisco Camps, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program.
Measures to face the drought situation. Joan Girona, IRTA Efficient water use program.
Maintenance of irrigation facilities Francisco Camps, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program.
Irrigation recommendation based on sensors and weather forecasts. Marc Jabardo, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program
Irrigation season planning. Joan Girona, IRTA Efficient use of water program.
Wetted area and irrigation volume. Joan Girona, IRTA Efficient water use program.
Relationship between water, vegetation cover and organic fertilization. Gloria Ávila, IRTA Fruit growing Program
Thinning, pruning and controlled deficit irrigation as tools to manage drought. Joan Girona, IRTA Efficient use of water Program
11:50 h Closing of the day
MORNING SESSION 09:30 - 11:50 AFTERNOON SESSION 15:00 - 17:20



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Sala Actes IRTA Mas Badia. IRTA Mas Badia 17134 La Tallada d’Empordà
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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