Agriculture 4.0: digital transformation of the sector

Sobre l'activitat

Understand the needs, challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in the agricultural sector and its impact on innovative business models and change management.

• Explore and apply enabling technologies for precision agriculture, including sensors, IoT (Internet of things) and remote sensing, to improve efficiency and use of agricultural inputs.
• Analyze the impact of automation and robotics in agriculture and understand the different technological areas involved in their implementation.
• Acquire fundamental knowledge of Data Science (extraction of information and knowledge from data) in agriculture, including collection, statistical analysis and use of Artificial Intelligence for pest and disease control.
• Understand the importance of cybersecurity and blockchain to ensure the integrity of the digital agricultural ecosystem and process traceability, as well as explore the use of digital tools for resource optimization and sustainability.

The course is structured in 9 sessions of 3 hours that combine a part of practical exposition of the state of the art of the technology, introduced by professionals with an outstanding track record in the area to be treated, and a more reflective part and applied, through practical cases of companies that have experienced and addressed the challenge of digital transformation within the sector, so that the participants obtain their own conclusions adapted to their professional reality.

Preu: 150€
14/11/2023 - 07/02/2024
17:00h - 20:00h
limited seats
Online and face-to-face


SESSION 1, dt. November 14
INAUGURATION INSPIRATIONAL AND GROUP COHESION SESSION (Face-to-face session at the Agricultural School of New Technologies and Horticulture, Cabrils).
SESSION 2, dt. November 21
TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY (Online session). Needs, challenges and opportunities of the agricultural environment. Business strategies and promotion of new innovative business models. change management Innovation management, as a transformative engine.
SESSION 3, dt. November 28
PRECISION AGRICULTURE (Face-to-face session. Visit to facilities in the province of Lleida) Enabling technologies: • Local sensors. •Sensors embedded in machinery. •IoT. •Connectivity, Facilitating Technologies. remote sensing •Precision agriculture. • Applications of precision agriculture, Variable application of inputs, water, fertilizers, phytosanitary. •Agricultural machinery. Current applications and future trends.
SESSION 4, dt. December 12 ROBOTIC AND AUTOMATION (Online session). Know the impact of automation and robotics in agriculture, with the advantages and disadvantages that may exist in its implementation. Overview of the different technological areas involved when deciding on their implementation.
SESSION 5, dt. January 9
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA PROCESSING I (Online session). Introduction to Data Science applied to agriculture: • Data collection and exploration. •Statistical analysis of data. • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. • Applications of Artificial Intelligence applied to Agriculture. • Use of models to control pests and diseases.
SESSION 6, dt. January 16
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA PROCESSING II (Online session). Introduction to Data Science applied to agriculture: • Data collection and exploration. • Statistical analysis of data. • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. • Applications of Artificial Intelligence applied to Agriculture. • Use of models to control pests and diseases.
SESSION 7, dt. January 23
CYBER SECURITY AND BLOCKCHAIN ​​(Online session). The appearance of new connection technologies and devices connected to the internet together with the continued proliferation of connected systems make it necessary to ensure the integrity of the whole set of the ecosystem and protection against unwanted attacks (hacking). Also, know the advantages that can contribute the blockchain in the control of the traceability of the process.
SESSION 8, dt. January 30
DIGITALIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY (Online session). Digitization and energy efficiency. Contribution of digital tools to the optimization of resources. Workbook and calculation of sustainability indicators. Example of optimization of energy consumption in horticultural plants.




Lloc de realització

Mode: Online and face-to-face • 7 online sessions • 1 face-to-face session at the Agricultural School New Technologies and Horticulture (Cabrils) • 1 visit of facilities (Lleida)
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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