Robert Savé

Sobre el ponent

He develops his scientific activity in the Area of ​​Plant Sciences of the IRTA and is also the coordinator of the group of Viticulture and Enology of the IRTA. He holds a degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (June 1977) and a PhD in Biology from the same university (November 1986). More than 30 years of experience in the field of ecophysiology, mainly in agronomic environmental conditions.

És membre del Consell d'Avaluació de l'Aigua per al Desenvolupament Sostenible de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Assessor de l'Agència Catalana de Seguretat Alimentària, membre del Grup de Canvi Climàtics de Catalunya i representant espanyol a Agroforestry a l'Aliança Global contra Climate Change (OECC – MAGRAMA), member of the Metropolitan Observatory on Climate Change (METROBS), member of the DURSI quality group “Relations with plant water”, reviewer of the Special Report on 1.5 degrees 2017 of IPCC, editor of the Agricultural Environment and Ecology section of the Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (SJAR). Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at the Autonomous University of Nicaragua-FAREM. Lead author on water in the first climate and environmental change assessment report in the Mediterranean basin MedECC (2019) and coordinator of the FOOD chapter.

He works studying the adaptation and mitigation strategies of wild vegetation and crops to climate change. This work is based on previous studies on the characterization of plant species under different biotic and / or abiotic factors. Therefore, it studies water consumption for various types of crops, gardens and landscape restorations; inter and specific competition for water at the root level; changes in secondary metabolism; the relationship between hydraulic and hormonal signals in transpiration; water efficiency; pollutant effects on irrigated crops with reclaimed water or groundwater; the relationships between plants and other organisms such as fungi and insects; water, carbon.

It has 55 ICI articles, more than 100 informative articles, conference papers, newspaper notes, conferences, ...

He has participated directly as a responsible researcher or collaborator in 50 research projects (Spanish government INIA, MINECO, CICYT, PETRI, CDTI, CENIT, IMPACTO, CIEN, CONSOLIDER); EU Life and H2020; USA Fulbright Foundation and E. Slossom Foundation) and 42 research contracts with private companies.

He has 2 patents related to the effects of high CO2 on crop productivity.

He has been and is the director of 15 doctoral theses.

IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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