A Catalonia officially free of bovine tuberculosis: control, prevention and risks in a new scenario

About the activity

The aim of this day is to transfer and share knowledge with the livestock and animal health sector, as well as with society in general, about the implications and challenges arising from the fact that Catalonia has recently become officially free of tuberculosis in the bovine species.

In particular, the actions carried out during the last decades to reach this milestone and the implications of the new status for herds will be reviewed. It will also describe the current situation of animal tuberculosis in Catalonia, the main risks we still face and the preventive and control measures that need to be maintained and strengthened.

The day is aimed at farmers of cattle and small ruminant farms, veterinarians and official veterinarians of sanitation and slaughterhouses, staff of game handling establishments and the hunting sector in general, animal health professionals and human and to all people interested in the situation and control of this disease in general

Price: Free
09:00h - 14:00h
limited seats
Cerdañola del Vallés (Barcelona)


9.30 h Welcome Mrs. Elisenda Guillaumes, General Director of Agriculture and Livestock (DACC)
10.00 h Eradication of animal tuberculosis in Catalonia: A historical perspective Mr. Mariano Domingo, UAB Professor, RTA-CReSA researcher
10.45 h Practical implications of achieving and maintaining the status of officially tuberculosis-free in the bovine species. Mr. Carles Riera, Animal Health Prevention Service of the DACC
11.15 h Break - coffee
11.45 h Recent cases of animal tuberculosis and application of mass sequencing tools in their monitoring. Mr. Bernat Pérez de Val, IRTA-CReSA researcher..
12.15 h Biosecurity: A key prevention tool in ruminant farms Mr. Alberto Allepuz, UAB professor Mr. Carles Sánchez, Animal Health Prevention Service of the DACC
13.00 h The vigilance at the slaughterhouse Mr. Enric Vidal, IRTA-CReSA researcher
13.30 h Round table
14.00 h End of the day

Organized by:




Sala d’actes facultat veterinària-UAB, Edifici V, Travessera dels Turons, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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