Summer Fruit Day

About the activity

The main objective of this day is to respond to the challenges of the fruit sector especially for the cultivation of apples. This edition will present the results of research in relation to plant material of apple varieties and rootstocks. Technological aspects and innovations related to health, vegetation management will be addressed and, in the framework of digitization, technological solutions will be presented.

Part of the information presented in this day has been obtained with the help of the demonstration activities “DEMO CLONS GALA” and “DEMO PORTAEMPELTS DE POMERA” (Operation 01.02.01 of Technological Transfer of the PDR of Catalonia 2014-2020) and of the Operational Group “Rationalization of the use of phytosanitary ware in the control of the Alternaria in apple tree by means of models of risk prediction and techniques of management of the crop” (Operation 16.01.01 of Cooperation for the Innovation of the Program of Rural Development of Catalonia 2014-2020).

Price: Free
09:30h - 12:20h
limited seats
La Tallada d'Empordà


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Jaume Lordan

Jaume Lordan Sanahuja, Researcher at IRTA since June 2018. Previously postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University (NY) (2015-2018), being part of the culture physiology and technology group. He is currently working at IRTA on the development and evaluation of new training systems to optimize their physiological efficiency, as well as on load handling and evaluation of new apple varieties and feet.


9.00 am Welcome and registration
9.15 am Presentation of the Conference
9.30 am Tour of the field stations: • Replanting rootstocks / New rootstocks Srs. Jaume Lordan and Joaquim Carbó, IRTA.
• Mechanical weeding, new approaches Mrs. Glòria Ávila and Sr. Pere Vilardell, IRTA.
• Halyomorpha halys Mrs. Adriana Escudero, IRTA.
• Glomerella and Alternaria. Summer illness. Strategies Srs. Pere Vilardell and Jordi Cabrefiga, IRTA.
10.30 am Pause
11.00 am Tour of the field stations:
• New Gala clones and how to harvest them Srs. Joaquim Carbó and Jaume Lordan, IRTA.
• FruitSpec: Tracking fruit sizes
• UPL / Pixofarm: Tool for measuring the caliber and counting of fruits
• AMP / WAATIC: Variable application of phytosanitary ware
12.20 pm End of the day

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IRTA Mas Badia 17134 - La Tallada d’Empordà
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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