Red spider control in clementines with mineral oils

About the activity

Can the red spider, Tetranychus urticae, be controlled on clementines with mineral oils?

In Terres de l’Ebre, around 7,000 ha of clementines are grown, mostly Clementina de Nules. This variety is especially sensitive to the attack of the red spider, Tetranychus urticae, being the pest that requires a greater number of treatments for its control. Between 2 and 4 treatments with synthetic acaricides are usually carried out during the summer.

The aim of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a strategy that combines the application of mineral oils and the management of vegetation.

This day is part of the demonstration activity "Sustainable management of Tetranychus urticae in clementines through biological control by conservation and the application of mineral oils", operation 01.02.01 of the RDP of Catalonia 2014-2020.

Price: Free
22/09/2021 - 22/09/2021
09:30h - 11:30h
limited seats


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José Miguel Campos Rivela

José Miguel Campos Rivela is an Agricultural Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. Researcher in the Sustainable Plant Protection program since 2004 and Institutional Delegate of the IRTA since 2019. The main areas of work as a researcher belong to the integrated management of pests: bioecology of pest species and auxiliary entomofauna, implementation of methods of biological and biotechnical control and development of sampling methods and establishment of intervention economics thresholds. He is the co-author of 66 scientific and technical publications in the field of entomology, plant protection, biological control and integrated pest management, and has made 23 contributions to national conferences and 28 to international ones. He has been an associate professor of Crop Control in the degree in Horticulture and Gardening (International University of Catalonia (UIC). Member of the Spanish Society of Applied Entomology (SEEA), of the working group of "Citrus-IPM" IOBC (International Organization for Biological Control) and the Citrus Committee of the Fruit.Net program (Generalitat de Catalunya) Has participated in 13 R&D projects funded in public, national and international calls, all in the field of biological and integrated control of pests of citrus, fruit, rice and Mediterranean crops. It has also participated in 19 R&D contracts with companies or administrations (national and / or international related to these fields. It has taught 44 days and courses aimed at the sector productive related to integrated pest control.


9.30 am Presentation of the Conference Mrs. Gemma Galimany. Head of the Agriculture and Plant Health Section in Terres de l'Ebre.
9.40 am Demonstration Project “Sustainable management of Tetranychus urticae in clementines through biological control by conservation and application of mineral oils” Sr. José Miguel Campos. IRTA. Sustainable Plant Protection.
10.00 h Integrated management of the red spider, Tetranychus urticae, in clementines Mrs. María Teresa Martínez-Ferrer. IRTA. Sustainable Plant Protection.
10.20 am The importance of the vegetation cover in the management of the red spider, Tetranychus urticae Mrs. María Teresa Martínez-Ferrer. IRTA. Sustainable Plant Protection.
10.40 am Agronomic practices in the demonstration plot Sr. José Miguel Fibla. IRTA. Sustainable Plant Protection.
11.00 h Results of the first year of the Demonstration Project 56 30060 2019 P4 Sr. José Miguel Campos. IRTA. Sustainable Plant Protection.
11.20 h Closing of the day  

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