Precision fertilization in fodder crops

Sobre l'activitat

Precision agriculture is increasingly widespread in the production of extensive grain crops. Precision fertilization is one of the main aspects. In fodder crops, fewer tools are available to draw up prescription maps, but there are beginning to be.

The aim of this day is to show different innovative techniques in the field of fodder crop management, within the framework of precision fertilization. The main purpose is to increase the environmental and economic sustainability of agricultural holdings.

This day is part of the tasks developed in the Plans for the improvement of agricultural fertilization in the Girona region, Vallès and Osona.

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Preu: Free
10:00h - 12:00h
limited seats


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Francesc Domingo Olivé

Researcher-Specialist in organic and mineral fertilization and soil management in extensive crops, within the Sustainable Extensive Crops Program of the IRTA (Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology). For 20 years he has been working in research, transfer and advice, from the center of Mas Badia, for the improvement in the management of livestock manure, mineral fertilization and soil management to increase fertility (physical, chemical and biological ) of the soil and its protection.


10:00 h Presentation of the day Mr. Francesc Domingo, IRTA - Sustainable Extensive Crops
10:10 h Zoning of the soils of a plot by means of apparent electrical conductivity measurements Mrs. Judit Vallverdú, Expert in soil studies
10:35 h Application of satellite images in decision-making in precision fertilization Mr. Pau Solé, IRTA - Sustainable Extensive Crops
11:00 h Use of yield maps in fodder crops Mrs. Elena Gonzalez, IRTA - Sustainable Extensive Crops
11:25 h How to draw up fertilization prescription maps for the variable application of fertilizers Mr. Francesc Domingo, IRTA - Sustainable Extensive Crops
11:40 h Tools for the precision application of organic and mineral fertilizers Mr. Francesc Domingo, IRTA - Sustainable Extensive Crops
11:50 h Open question period
12:00 h End of the day




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