How to confront with reduced availability of irrigation water

Sobre l'activitat

In summer annual crops

The situation of the reservoirs in Catalonia shows the fragility of water supply for different uses and, in particular, for water for food production. The situation, as of today and according to the available forecasts, makes it likely that we are approaching the most significant drought in the last seventy years.

The hydrographic basin of the river Muga is the most water deficient in Catalonia. It is necessary to prepare the agricultural activity to improve its resilience to the lack of water and thus maintain its activity in this scenario of drought.

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Preu: Free
16:45h - 18:30h
limited seats
Castelló d’Empúries


16.45 h Reception of attendees
17.00 h Presentation of the day Elisabet Sánchez, Director of the Territorial Services of the Department of Climate Action and Rural Agenda (DACC). Salvi Güell, Mayor of Castelló d'Empúries and president of the user community of the Plana Litoral de la Muga (CUAPLM).
17.15 h Extensive crops in the face of drought. Moderator: Francisco Camps, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program.
Water availability and scenarios to face drought. Francisco Camps, IRTA / CUAPLM.
State of the Muga aquifer Joan Solà, CUAPLM
Crop water needs, incidence of water stress on yield. Roser Sayeras, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program.
Alternative crops to maize: sunflower and sorghum cultivation for grain and fodder. Joan Serra, IRTA Sustainable Extensive Crops Program
18.30 h Closing of the conference



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Capella del convent de Santa Clara 17486 Castelló d’Empúries
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
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