Environmental impact of dairy beef production: Measurements and strategies to reduce impact

About the activity

The organizers and speakers have prepared this seminar with the hope that we can understand better the environmental impact of the dairy beef production and to debate how to improve it. Interpreting the data that measure the environmental impact is not as easy as we think, which are the critical points to have in mind when looking at those data ? Do studies support the hypothesis that beef produced from dairy beef has a lower impact compared with the beef produced from suckler cows? In the first part of the seminar, we hope to answer these questions.

In the second part we want to talk about strategies to reduce the environmental impact of dairy beef production as we are compromised to reduce it.

Price: Free
14:00h - 16:15h
limited seats


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Marta Ruiz Colmenero

Researcher at IRTA's Sustainability in Biosystems Research Program since 2020. Martais an expert in the application of LCA to food products and agrosystems.

She is interested in quantifying and improving the environmental impact of agricultural and livestock management practices.
After finishing a degree in Environmental Sciences, Dr Ruiz obtained a Ph.D by the Department of Geography and Geology of University of Alcalá (“Influence of using cover crops in hillslope vineyards to control soil erosion”). Since then, she has gained extensive experience working both in university and consultancy, conducting research mostly related to agricultural and livestock sustainability. Currently, as a researcher at the Sustainability in Biosystems Group (IRTA), she is specializing in the application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, conducting LCA of different agricultural systems including different crops and animal products as well as LCA of different agricultural land management practices. She is interested in the environmental impact of agricultural practices, and the assessment of different management strategies for a more sustainable land use.


4th oh July
14.00 – 14.10 Introduction- Dr. Maria Devant, IRTA, Spain- 5 min
1. MEASURING OUR IMPACT 14.10-14.30-1. LCA methodology. Environmental indexes, with special attention to carbon sequestration and land use. Dr. Marta Ruiz, IRTA, Spain
14.30-14.50-2. Review of the beef production systems and their environmental impact in Europe. Dr Hassan Pishgarkomleh, University of Wageningen, NL.
10 min question-10 min break
15.00-1515-1. "Research directions to mitigate enteric methane and still keep the growing calf efficient". Dr. Emilio M. Ungerfeld. INIA, Chile
15.15-15.30-2. Multiphase feeding: strategies to reduce nitrogen excretion without increasing methane emissions. Dr. Pablo Guarnido, Texas A&M University, USA.
15.30-15.45-3. Specialising and intensifying dairy beef production for better efficiency and less global warming. Dr. Faverdin, INRAe, France.
15.45-16.00-4. Genetic means of reducing environmental impact – measuring methane in crossbreed calves (BxD) and selecting for lower methane production. Anders Fogh, SEGES, DK.

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