Biological control of tuta and aculops in tomatoes

About the activity

The general objective of the day is to offer tools to improve the biological control of two very important pests in tomato cultivation, the Tuta absoluta moth and the brush mite Aculops lycopersici. During the Conference we will present data obtained in two projects in which IRTA's Sustainable Plant Protection Program participates. On the one hand we will show the results of some studies carried out in the framework of an Operational Group to promote the use of parasitoids in the management of lepidoptera and on the other we will make a visit to an experimental greenhouse where, as part of the European project ADOPT-IPM, we have integrated two biological control tools to combat the two most important pests that affect tomato cultivation.

ADOPT-IPM is an activity funded through the Horizon Europe program of the European Union under grant agreement no. 101060430.

The Operational Group is financed through Operation 16.01.01 Cooperation for innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022.

Price: Free
15:00h - 17:00h
limited seats


15.00 h Presentation of the day and situation of the control of Tuta absoluta with parasitoids Judit Arnó, researcher of IRTA's sustainable plant health program
3.10 pm Parasitism sampling methods in Tuta absoluta Marc Vila, researcher of IRTA's sustainable plant health program
3.30 p.m. Secondary effects of plant protection products on the new parasitoid of Tuta absoluta Pablo Urbaneja-Bernat, researcher of IRTA's sustainable plant health program
3.50 pm Presentation of results and visit to the tomato greenhouse with the demonstration trial of Biological Control of Aculop lycopersici and Tuta abosulta Núria Agustí, Pablo Urbaneja-Bernat and Francesc Gómez-Marco, researchers of the Sustainable plant health program.
5.00 pm End of the day

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IRTA Cabrils Carretera de Cabrils Km 2 08348 Cabrils
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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