XVI Almond technical conference 2024

About the activity

This year we will celebrate Almond Tree Day in the field to explain all the research that IRTA develops on the cultivation of almond trees. Plant material, production models, irrigation and drought, disease management… What does IRTA know about all these topics and what research it does on them.
The talks in the field will be accompanied by demonstrations and stands from companies in the sector that will present their new products.

Come, live and discover everything that IRTA researches for the cultivation of almond trees.

Catalan / Spanish
Price: Free / 15 € (with lunch)
12/06/2024 - 12/06/2024
08:45h - 17:00h
limited seats
Les Borges Blanques


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Xavier Miarnau

Xavier Miarnau, Doctor of Agricultural Engineering in Plant Production, who has been working at the Lleida Experimental Station since 2007 in the IRTA Fruit Growing Program. His work is mainly carried out as a specialist in the cultivation of almonds, both in plant material and in cultivation technology. He is currently the Nuts Coordinator at IRTA.

He has participated and participates in R & D & I projects both in Spain (INIA and MICIN), European (FP7) and also internationally.

He is the author of numerous scientific and popular articles, actively participating in technology transfer to the sector, through the holding of numerous conferences and seminars, as well as the coordination and execution of contracts in the private and public spheres.


8.45 a.m. Registration validation
9:30 a.m. Start of the day. IRTA field presentations and visit to stands
11:00 a.m. Break
12:00 pm IRTA field presentations and visit to stands
1:30 p.m. End of the day tomorrow
2:00 p.m. Lunch (it is essential to sign up and pay in advance)
3:00 p.m. After dinner Future perspectives of the almond market and production Worldwide. Antonio Pont. CEO of Crisol de Frutos Secos. At the peninsular level. Enrique Guzman. CEO Almendralia Ibérica Locally. Josep Maria Teixidó. CEO Fruits Secs Teixidó

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IRTA experimental field in Les Borges Blanques
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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