Josep Anton Betbesé
Josep Anton Betbesé is an Agricultural Technical Engineer specializing in Agricultural Holdings from the University of Lleida. He joined IRTA first with several University-Company Agreements in 1992 and 1994. Since 1995 he has been working in the IRTA Extensive Crops Program in Lleida as a Technical Support Staff. Directly involved in the technical management of the entire experimental device of the Program, he has collaborated in research projects, contracts, publications, conferences and various activities related to extensive crops.
Francesc Domingo Olivé
Researcher-Specialist in organic and mineral fertilization and soil management in extensive crops, within the Sustainable Extensive Crops Program of the IRTA (Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology). For 20 years he has been working in research, transfer and advice, from the center of Mas Badia, for the improvement in the management of livestock manure, mineral fertilization and soil management to increase fertility (physical, chemical and biological ) of the soil and its protection.
Joan Fañé
Joan Fañé is an Agricultural Technical Engineer, specializing in horticulture and gardening from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2006-2010) and a postgraduate in landscaping from the U Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2010-2012). From 2007 to 2012, he joined the IRTA - Mas Badia experimental station as a laboratory and field assistant for a few months a year, combining work with studies. It was in 2012, when he joined IRTA’s Extensive Crops program at Mas Badia, where he participated in contracts with companies in the sector and in transfer activities. The main draft contracts with companies in the sector are for advising the farmer for the production of extensive crops. Projects like. "It's Farina de Girona" which advises farmers for the production of quality soft wheat in integrated production, among others. He has participated and organized transfer conferences and participated in various publications of technical articles in industry magazines.
Elena González
Agricultural Engineer specializing in environment and soil sciences (University of Lleida, 2011). In 2006 he joined IRTA (Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology) as a support technique for the Sustainable Extensive Crops program. He has been responsible for more than thirteen years for conducting field trials, mainly in the fertilization of extensive crops, the management of livestock manure and mineral fertilization in both conventional and organic production. And with a wide background as a responsible technician in integrated crop production.
Roser Sayeras
Roser Sayeras, degree in Biology from the University of Girona (2004-2008). She has the official recognition of the Department of Plant Health of Catalonia as an advisor in integrated pest management. In 2013 he joined the Mas Badia Extensive Crops program as a support technique. Participates in contracts with companies in the sector related to the evaluation of new plant material and the evaluation and effectiveness of plant protection products, and in the trials of varieties by registration of the Spanish Office of Plant Varieties (OEVV). He has participated in regional public funding projects promoted by the DARP (demonstration activities and operational groups). It mainly works in the network of tests of varieties of cereal of Catalonia, from the seeding, doing the diverse controls during the development of the crop, until the harvest and the evaluation of the parameters of post-harvest, and finally doing the treatment of all data from trials of the rapeseed, soft wheat, barley, oats, rye, pea and maize network. It also participates in the coordination of the Group for the Evaluation of New Varieties of Extensive Crops (GENVCE).
Joan Serra
Joan Serra Gironella. Researcher - specialist at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) of the Sustainable Extensive Crops Program, based at the Mas Badia Agricultural Experimental Station. For more than 30 years he has developed his activity in the Area of Extensive Crops of the Mas Badia Foundation, a consortium center at IRTA, until his incorporation into the institute in January 2020. He has focused his activity on the evaluation of plant material, phytosanitary protection, quality, etc. in winter cereals, corn, protein crops, rapeseed and fodder. He has a large number of publications in popular magazines, extensive experience in organizing transfer activities (conferences, courses, etc.) and also in conducting experimentation with companies in the sector.
Judit Vallverdú
Judit Vallverdú Masdeu. Support technique - at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA) of the Sustainable Extensive Crops Program, based at the Mas Badia Agricultural Experimental Station. It was incorporated in June 2020. Its activity focuses on the evaluation of organic and mineral fertilization, in winter cereals, corn, protein crops, rapeseed and fodder.
Eduard Gonzalo Gilibert
Eduard Gonzalo Gilibert holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2014-2018). Upon completion of his studies, he joined IRTA Mas Badia as a support technician in sustainable extensive crops. Since then, he has dedicated himself to the realization, monitoring and interpretation of various extensive crops in conventional and organic production: winter cereals (wheat, barley, triticale, rye and oats), legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans), oilseeds (rapeseed) and summer crops (corn and sorghum). His experience in mechanical weeding in various crops such as winter cereals, legumes and corn is noteworthy.