Xavier Miarnau
Xavier Miarnau, Doctor of Agricultural Engineering in Plant Production, who has been working at the Lleida Experimental Station since 2007 in the IRTA Fruit Growing Program. His work is mainly carried out as a specialist in the cultivation of almonds, both in plant material and in cultivation technology. He is currently the Nuts Coordinator at IRTA.
He has participated and participates in R & D & I projects both in Spain (INIA and MICIN), European (FP7) and also internationally.
He is the author of numerous scientific and popular articles, actively participating in technology transfer to the sector, through the holding of numerous conferences and seminars, as well as the coordination and execution of contracts in the private and public spheres.
Laura Torguet
Laura Torguet Pomar is an Agricultural Engineer from the ETSEA, University of Lleida (1997). He has worked for five years as a Plant Defense Technician (ADV) at the Albatàrrec Cooperative (1999-2004), being responsible for the phytosanitary protection of the different crops of the cooperative as well as the quality of the fruit. He has also worked as a commercial technician in the company Agromòdol (2004-2009), dedicated to the trade of phytosanitary products. Agromòdol worked as a field manager for some of his clients and led the commercial part of the cooperatives in the area. Since 2009, he has been working as a Support Technician in Technology Transfer and Fruit Growing Advice at IRTA. He has been responsible for the Transfer of the Fruit Growing Program, and at the same time was responsible for the phytosanitary work on the fruit farms of the Experimental Station. For the past eight years he has worked in almond cultivation technology as a specialist in crop pests and diseases. He has participated in different R & D & I projects both in Spain and in Europe, and also at an international level. He has participated in various international nuts conferences. Also, it has realized and realizes contracts with the sector of the Spanish dried fruit and projects with the national and autonomic administration. He participates in the advice of the crop in the majority of big projects that are realizing in the last years in the sector of the almond tree, so much in Spain as in Portugal. He gives numerous lectures for technicians and farmers in the dried fruit sector.
She has participated in national and international projects. She is the author and co-author of technical, scientific and popular articles. He has executed more than 90 contracts with the phytosanitary ware sector for the cultivation of almonds and has given numerous technical conferences in Spain and abroad.
Joaquim Bellvert
Joaquim Bellvert Rios, has been a researcher in IRTA's Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture program since 2008. Doctor of Agricultural Engineering from the University of Córdoba (2014), he has carried out two post-doctoral stays in the departments of Land , Air, Water Resources and Viticulture and Enology from the University of California (UC Davis) during the years 2014-2016. His research activity consists of studying the efficiency of irrigation management in different crops and their effects on fruit production and quality. To be able to do this, he has specialized in the use of new technologies, such as remote sensing, through which it is possible to estimate the water needs of crops space-time. Thus, Dr. Bellvert has led various projects related to precision irrigation and the use of remote sensing as a tool for irrigation programming and estimating water demand at the plot and regional level. Scientifically, Dr. Bellvert has 20 scientific papers published in SCI journals, in addition to participating as a speaker in numerous national and international conferences. He has actively participated in the organization of several transfer days with the aim of disseminating knowledge of precision irrigation and remote sensing in the agri-food sector.