14.00 - 14.05 Welcome by Maria Devant, Irta, Spain
14.05 - 14.10 Speaker: Sonia / Jantijn
o What does research tell us on antibiotic use on veal calves
14.10 - 14.15 Speaker: Paul Berghuis
o What really happens during transport of calves from the Dairy to the Fattening farm
14.20 - 15.35. - I Block - What is the status today and what are the main challenges.
14.20 - 14.35
o Is the increased age for transport a right choice and what may be the impact on antibiotic use ? (14d vs 28d vs 35d)
14.40 - 14.55
o The impact of the use of antibiotic in dairy farms on resistance development.
15.00 - 15.30
o What is the long term effect (health implication) of using oral antibiotics in the first weeks of life ? (on microbiome, growth, economic performance, antibiotic resistance)
15.35 - 15.50 Speaker: David Speksnijder
o Critical Success Factors for a Low Prescribing and Use of Antibiotics by Veterinarians and Farmers
15.50 - 16.00 Short Break
16.00 - 17.00 II Block - Ideas and opportunities to reduce antibiotic use.
16.00 - 16.15 Speaker: Stan Jourquin
o Effects of vaccination on ultrasonographic lung health of veal calves
16.20 - 16.35 Speaker: Peter Molder
o Blood values of young calves associated with antibiotic use, growth and mortality
16.40 - 16.55 Speaker: Marc Boelhave
o Raising veal without using antibiotics
16.55 - 17.00 Summary and closing – Points to focus on in the future (Jantijn Swinkels)