The IRTA Animal Breeding and Genetics program offers advisory services in all the steps involved in the genetic management of pig populations subjected to both selection processes and protocols for the conservation and maintenance of genetic variability.
The incorporation of a genetic improvement advisory service within a pig production scheme implies incorporating into the company knowledge of the two fundamental disciplines on which any improvement program is based: population genetics and quantitative genetics. These two disciplines offer the theory and the tools to be able to rigorously and reasonedly maintain the balance between minimizing the increase in inbreeding within the selection or conservation program, and improving the average production of the populations with which one works. This last point would be the most relevant from the economic point of view for a company, which will aim to increase its production and profitability. Therefore, the establishment of a breeding program, based on selection and/or crossbreeding, will allow increasing the production and profitability of the populations with which it works, either directly or by adapting them to the peculiarities of the company.