Agustí Romero

Sobre el ponent

Agustí J. Romero Aroca, holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the UdL, a researcher in charge of the IRTA’s Oliviculture and Elaiotechnics team at the Generalitat de Catalunya and an expert in the assessment of the industrial suitability of nuts. He currently focuses his activity on the agronomic evaluation of olive varieties, the development of process improvement programs and oil quality management of Catalan PDOs. However, he coordinates the technical office of the oil of Catalonia

He is the co-author of a book on olive varieties in Catalonia, as well as several chapters in others technical books on olive, oil, sensory analysis of food and nuts. He is also the co-author of more than 100 scientific articles and more than 80 outreach. Currently participates in various scientific projects and contracts with companies in the sector, related to circular economy of the olive tree, maximization of compounds polyphenols in oils, volatile compounds of high-end, transcriptomic oils of sterols in atypical olive varieties, heritability of characters defining the industrial suitability of almonds and proximity markers in dry fruit. However, he is an expert consultant to the International Olive Council for topics related to germplasm banks of olive varieties as well as well as the USP for the drafting of its oil quality standard country.

Collaborating professor of various international courses and masters, such as “international expert in oil tasting ”at the University of Jaén and the management and innovation of the food industry ”of the University of Lleida. He regularly collaborates with the School University of Hospitality and Tourism (University of Barcelona) and the School Superior of Hospitality of Barcelona

A member of the Official Oil Tasting Panel of Catalonia, he took part in its training and is co-responsible for its training. He has collaborated in the formation and training of various panels from other countries (Argentina, Germany, Australia, Japan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, USA, Chile and China). He has participated as a juror in several international oil competitions (Tokyo, London, Los Angeles, Argentina, Shanghai and New Zealand).

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