XXII Postharvest Technical Conference 2024

Sobre l'activitat

What are the new challenges in the post-harvest? How do we consider the future of post-harvest? Is there a single solution? These are some of the questions we constantly ask ourselves to respond to a sector in continuous evolution.

The changing weather conditions, the post-harvest of new varieties, new technologies that allow us to be more efficient and eco-sustainable, the valuation of the by-product so necessary to improve profitability and the appearance of new pests and diseases in the post-harvest are some of the aspects to address. All these doubts make us rethink the current situation and the need to look for solutions in a sector that has been changing in recent years.

At IRTA we are aware of the moment we live in and it is essential to find effective solutions that can address the concerns and questions that fruit and vegetable centers have in order to combat them.

Therefore, we are pleased to present some of these future challenges and be able to work on them to reach a balance that adapts to the new environmental legislation while being profitable in our sector.

Preu: 40€ (STP clients) / 50€ (others)
30/05/2024 - 30/05/2024
09:30h - 16:30h
limited seats




Lloc de realització

Auditori Joan Oró Edifici CeDiCo Parc Agrobiotech Lleida Parc de Gardeny 25003 Lleida
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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