COMdeHORT, a tool to promote circular agriculture

Sobre l'activitat

We live in a global economic situation with price crises (and often availability) of raw materials and energy that impact the different agri-food sectors.

On the other hand, it is urgent to pay attention to our soils and the need to promote their health. COMdeHORT is a project born with the purpose of promoting, in Catalonia, circularity in our agricultural holdings by promoting decentralized composting.

In this day we will discuss the issue of decentralization of composting and the quality of the compost that motivate the COMdeHORT initiative. Demonstration Project Promotion of decentralized composting aimed at the application of compost in horticulture (COMdeHORT). Support for demonstration activities (operation 01.02.01 of Technology Transfer of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020).

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Preu: Free
10:40h - 12:45h
limited seats


10.40 h Welcome
11:00 h Why promote the decentralization of composting? Francesc Giró and Fontanals. Waste Agency of Catalonia
11.20 h The need for the use of quality organic amendments in horticulture Rocio Hernández Gutiérrez. Fertilization technique of the Horta del Baix Llobregat ADV
11.40 h Break
12.00 h Objectives and main actions of the COMdeHORT project Rafi Cáceres Reyes. IRTA
12.20 h Participation and sharing of experiences in COMdeHORT. Carme Biel Loscos. IRTA
12.40 h Open question period
12.45 h End of the day




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IRTA Cabrils. Crta de Cabrils, km2
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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