Conference on caudophagy

About the activity

La implementació dels requeriments particulars de la Directiva 2008/120/CE sobre la protecció de porcs, han estat el subjecte de diferents reunions organitzades per la UE des de 2013 amb els Estats Membres, organitzacions implicades en la producció porcina, científics i experts del sector. A partir d’aquestes trobades, la comissió ha adoptat una Recomanació (2016) per a l’aplicació de la Directiva 2008/120/EC, establint estàndards mínims per a la protecció dels porcs en relació a les mesures per reduir la necessitat de tallar cues. A partir de la publicació de la Recomanació del 2016, l’interès de la UE per tal que la implementació de la normativa fos efectiva ha estat creixent, i s’han dut a terme auditories a diversos països de la UE, entre ells Espanya.

Per tant, trobar estratègies per evitar la caudofàgia que funcionin en les condicions productives i climatològiques de Catalunya és cabdal pel sector per tal de poder donar resposta a la UE sobre si és possible evitar l’escuat rutinari en porcí.

Price: Free
14/10/2021 - 14/10/2021
11:00h - 11:55h
limited seats


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Emma Fàbrega

Emma Fàbrega i Romans has a degree in veterinary medicine (1995) and a doctorate in animal production (2002) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She also completed a Masters in Applied Animal Behavior and Animal Welfare (1998) from the University of Edinburgh and holds a Diploma from the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioral Medicine in the subspecialty in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law. Since 2003 he has been working at IRTA, in the Animal Welfare program, researching systems for assessing animal welfare on the farm, especially in pigs, and improvement strategies. He has coordinated national projects on alternatives to painful practices such as castration or pig squashing, and on European projects on the application of precision technologies to improve well-being or the development of new indicators to assess well-being. He has published more than 40 articles in indexed journals, and has also participated in book chapters and publications in popular journals. He has participated as a speaker since 2003 in training days for farmers, veterinarians, or other agents in the sector, both nationally and internationally, as well as in more than 40 presentations at conferences. He has organized and participated in numerous technology transfer days for the sector.


11.00 h Welcome Sr. Ricard Parés, Director of PORCAT
11.05 am Current situation of the squad in Europe Sr. Miguel Ángel Higuera, Director of ANPROGAPOR
11.25 am How we must face the challenge of Caudophagy Ms. Elsa Buenaventura, Veterinarian of the DACC Livestock Management Service
11.45 am Results of the Task Force on alternatives to squats Ms. Emma Fàbrega (IRTA researcher)
12.05 pm Experience of a farmer. Sr. Roger Baulenas, rancher.
12.25 pm Round table. Questions for chat. Moderator: Ricard Parés
11.55 h Closing of the day Mrs. Elisenda Guillaumes, Director General of Agriculture and Livestock of the DACC.

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08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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