Eva Frontera

Sobre el ponent

Dra. Eva Frontera (Badajoz, 1973) is a Full Professor in the area of ​​Parasitology in the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Extremadura (UEX). She has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the UEX, obtaining the national award for graduation in Veterinary Medicine in 1996. She received her doctorate in 2000 from the same university. He has 5 years of teaching and 3 years of research recognized by the CNEAI. Obr

She is the coordinator of the PARUEX research group, where several lines of research are developed (Trichinellosis, Leishmaniasis, ticks, swine parasitosis) leading the study of insects that carry vectors of diseases transmitted by them, especially culicids. His research is currently focused on the knowledge of the epidemiological situation of West Nile virus in areas of western Spain, especially in Extremadura, both in vectors and animal and human hosts. He has directed 4 doctoral theses and is currently directing another 2 in the final phase of completion. In the last 5 years she has been principal investigator of 2 competitive research projects and has also participated in 10 projects in collaboration with companies, mainly dedicated to the study of parasitic zoonoses.

She is the author of more than 100 publications in journals and numerous papers at conferences. She has been the academic secretary of the UEX Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for 5 years.

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