About the activity

Tool for estimating enteric methane emissions from calves

The objective of the present DEMO project entitled "BEEFMETALIST - Estimating tool for enteric methane emissions from fattening calves" is to provide the beef cattle sector with a practical tool to estimate methane emissions from 'ruminal origin of fattening calves in our production system through the use of methane meters installed on a commercial farm and a "calculator" application.

The impact of the provision of these tools is the ability to have more data and knowledge about the enteric emissions of methane in fattening calves to be able to implement nutritional or management strategies that reduce these emissions, while gaining competitiveness against 'a potential environmental fee.

Activity financed through Operation 01.02.01 of Technology Transfer of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022.

Price: Free
16:00h - 18:00h
limited seats


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Lourdes Llonch

Lourdes Llonch Fernández holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine (2015) and a PhD in Animal Production (2021) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Since 2021, she has been working at IRTA as a postdoctoral researcher in the Ruminant Production Program. His line of research focuses on beef cattle, specifically in the application of nutritional and management strategies in order to improve the productive efficiency of animals, their health and welfare, as well as the sustainability of the sector, to through different projects such as demonstration activities (within the 01.02.01 operation of technology transfer of the rural development program of Catalonia 2014-2020) and operational groups.


4.00 pm Presentation of the day Lourdes Llonch Fernandez, postdoctoral researcher in IRTA's ruminant production program
4:05 p.m. "calculator" application and its uses Lourdes Llonch Fernandez, postdoctoral researcher in IRTA's ruminant production program
5.00 pm Visit to the farm
5.30 pm Methane meters Lourdes Llonch Fernandez, postdoctoral researcher in IRTA's ruminant production program
6.00 pm End of the day

Organized by:




Farm of fattened calves of Agropecuaria Montgai S.L., Montgai, Lleida
IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Phone: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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