Welfair Animal Welfare Seal 2023

Sobre l'activitat

The main objective of this conference is to explain the origin and current situation of the Welfair® Certification scheme, and to explain the certification process and a Welfair® certification audit based on the Welfare Quality protocol applied in a fattening pig farm.

This conference is mainly aimed at professionals in the animal production sector who wish to learn about the certification process and the structure of a Welfair® certification audit.

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Preu: Free
11:30h - 13:30h
limited seats


11:30 h Presentation of the day
11.35 h Origin of the Welfair® certification and current situation Laura Freixa. Welfair® Animal Welfare Certified Manager of IRTA.
11:45 h Welfair® Certification Procedure Laura Freixa. Welfair® Animal Welfare Certified Manager of IRTA.
12.00 h Welfare Quality Audit in fattening pig farms. Quim Pallisera. IRTA Welfair® Animal Welfare certified technical coordinator.
12.45 h Question and answer session
13.00 h Closing of the day.



Lloc de realització

IRTA Torre Marimon
08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
Telèfon: 93 467 40 40
Fax: 93 467 40 42
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